Abi Searle-Jones


IÕm a writer who specialises in:

¥  simplifying – I clarify complex content, including writing in plain English

¥  designer-wrangling – I work alongside and project-manage designers

¥  personalising – I create content for dynamic document systems, like letters and bills

¥  brand-stamping – I create or implement branded tones of voice

¥  training – I train company writers (brand new or experienced) in plain English and writing techniques.


IÕve written everything from a stop smoking campaign for teenagers to instructions for professional armpit-sniffers.

My portfolio includes work for Vodafone, Powergen, HM Revenue & Customs, the Post Office and Virgin, among many others.


IÕm now a partner at and/or/if, a new information design consultancy. You can reach me at andorif.co.uk or on 01327 810 900.

You can also read my blog at abisearlejones.blogspot.com.

Look forward to hearing from you.